Sunday, March 2, 2014

Blogpost 8: Rapunzel: Narcissism and Hair Syndrome

Rapunzel.. the girl with long golden silk hair... Those blonde wavy locks that flows all the way from the top to the bottom of a tall tower... Well she might pay a million to a stylist to do some hell a lot of a job, but I agree that hair was really admirable. To be able to use that on hauling people down and up? Totally essential. I'm always fond of long hairs, but not Rapunzel-long hair. Good luck to those dandruffs though. 

Well let's get to the topic and let's see what research had thought of our Rapunzel.

I found an article entitled "Rapunzel, Daughter of a Closet Narcissist" written by Gudrun Zomerland from the site

Zomerland talked about the movie "Tangled" and it's sort of psychological challenge. It said that with the "Mommy Dearest" endearment that Rapunzel calls her 'mother', it shows a type of narcissism  that is focused on self-absorption that molds her daughter to an exact copy of herself. There was this thing called "closet narcissists" that clearly describes the mother with characters mentioned. They are not bad as the article says, they are mothers still in their child-like mentality, sort of.  They live in their so-called fantasies. 

The article said that "She had her own fairy tale to live through. However, without her having inner and outer resources for healing herself, her trauma became generational and it was passed on to me."

Come to think of it, I had seen some experiences with mothers with that attitude. They tend to be a little overprotective at times in their children and kept on dictating them on what they should do. They claim that they "know best" but really, they should took pity on their children. Spoiling them won't do any good.
On the side of science, I found this article entitled "5 Psychological Conditions Named for Disney Characters" written Lauren Baker from the site                                                                                                                                                                 I found out that there is a thing called Rapunzel Syndrome where it is an intestinal condition that results people to eating hair, from a disorder known as Tricophagia. They swallow hair and as a results, it grows to a ball inside their intestines. 
As disgusting as it is, it actually exists. I'm just thankful that I never got that habit. It needs operation in order to pull the hair out from the stomach. And as I searched for images, I advice that you don't. I'll describe it anyway. It looks like a big bulk of feces but as you look closer, it is made of hair and the wastes inside the intestines. Really weird and disgusting.

So much for having Rapunzel. I think with all of the above infos it just gives a small piece of advice, to take care of yourself and do not let hindrances keep you from growth. Following our parents are never wrong, but sometimes, you just need that little dose of rebellion in order for you to find who you really are.

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